- Edit and post the next installment of my "Turned Into a Love Doll" (TIALD) series. It's written. I just have to get around to putting it up for sale on Amazon.
- Finish writing the Epilogue for the last story in the TIALD series.
- Find a good cover image for use with that last story.
- Edit and post the last installment of TIALD.
- Edit and post my Christmas story, which is already almost ready to go.
- Set up a Black Friday sale so that my Christmas story is available for free Thanksgiving weekend.
- Set up a Christmas Countdown sale so that the story is available for as little as possible for as long as possible as a thank you to those who like my stories.
- Finish the sequels to "Under Her Skin."
- Write a screenplay based on an idea for a full length, mainstream-ish movie I've had for a long time now. I've even written the first few pages of it already. Yes, it includes TG transformations as a major plot point. It's kind of a mix of Gothika and Don't Say A Word.
- Write a more literary novel that I've been fleshing out in outline form. It would involve a more real life transition, but in a unique way.
- Become rich from my movie and book and retire to the islands. (Ha ha.)
Time will reveal how far I actually get.
Step #1 is complete. You'll find the link on the right side of the page, but I haven't done a post for it yet. Soon.